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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Gun Control: Mass Murder and Mental Illness

Gun Violence such as mass shootings are primarily an Act of Evil.

#PaulRyan   We "have laws on the books designed to prevent people with mental illnesses from getting firearms."
— Paul Ryan on Thursday, February 15th, 2018 in a briefing with report

Sara Niles

It is unfair to the majority of the mentally ill to link the mentally ill as a group to the very unstable, rage-filled, hate driven killers. The non mentally ill and the mentally ill, both as groups have mass killers-not all mass killers are mentally ill and not all mentally ill are killers. 

The distinction for both groups involves a degree of narcissism and selfishness, along with a lack of conscience and a refusal to take moral responsibility for their own pain and actions. In almost all cases of mass shooting, the general theme is "someone is going to suffer" because they are unhappy with their lot in life. "Someone is going to pay"; which is a Blame Projection that is shared by domestic abusers, and many Power Abusers. The choice to kill the innocent whose only crime is being innocent and happy, is obviously based on deep seated hate and resentment, and too often a long planning stage in which the Shooter-To-Be, takes pleasure from dark fantasies that involve violence and killing

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