The TORN Episodes

The Plague of 'The Narcissists' is Global

 The term 'Narcissist is not new, nor is the behavior, because pathologically selfish people existed in every phase of human history fro...

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Plague of 'The Narcissists' is Global

 The term 'Narcissist is not new, nor is the behavior, because pathologically selfish people existed in every phase of human history from Cain and Abel to the selfish manipulators who make our lives miserable. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Global Warming Crisis: Earth Passengers Hang on for a Wild Ride

Reciprocal Disaster: Global Warming event 

"Global Warming has just amped up its velocity, creating  a reciprocal impact as the ice shelves melt faster, warming the oceans faster, melting the ice  shelves faster, thus shortening the projection time of an eventual global collapse. 

Warmer Oceans create extreme weather events, that  will change the food production cycles, impact global ecosystems, and increase  Flooding, Fires, Drought, and Famine  Globally in the next decades to come. Sea Levels will rise drastically as land surface decreases, and large cities situated on waterfronts will lose land space, suffer financial losses, greatly affecting production, labor, and housing. 

Storms at Sea will increase, impacting shipping, travel, and the prices of goods imported and exported, directly impacting the Global Economy."

We should have listened to the scientists decades ago, Greta (Thunberg) was right.

Sara Niles, Earth Passenger, signing off

"A new study published in Nature Communications has revealed that the interplay between meandering ocean currents and the ocean floor induces upwelling velocity, transporting warm water to shallower depths. This mechanism contributes substantially to the melting of ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea of West Antarctica. These ice shelves are destabilizing rapidly and contributing to sea level rise." PSYS Organization News (linked above).

Monday, April 8, 2024

Fleeing From The Empty Shell of a Man, from The Journey

 The Journey is a Saga of freedom, discovery, and Trauma. 

The Journey

Prologue Excerpt

Thomas Niles knew I was a threat to core of his very existence, because he was an empty shell of a man, with a fractured ego, whose abusive dominance and violence was substituted in his mind for masculinity. Violent and abusive people exist within all genders, and every diverse alteration thereof, as well as across societal spectrums. Not every abuser is obsessive, possessive, and controlling to the point of becoming murderous, but Thomas Niles was. When I chose to break his control over me for good, I had to die. Thomas Niles announced it in advance and threatened to kill ‘every one of those kids,’ if I left with them, because I and his children were his property. There was no way out, or so he thought.

In 1987, I and my five children fled for our lives during an unseasonable February thunderstorm, with nothing, and no plan. There are multiple types of abusive people, those who destroy the soul with words that cut like daggers, and those who will do more than that-they will kill you, body, soul, and all. Thomas Niles had killed before, and I had no doubt he would do it again, this time, not as a soldier during wartime. Thomas Niles saved up wrongs and collected them, he was what the FBI calls an injustice collector. According to Thomas Niles, I had incurred his absolute wrath, and in such a way as to merit execution. When I took action by fleeing from Thomas to save our lives, Thomas Niles took the act as  a high crime committed against his ego, because in his schema of things, I stole his property. I slaughtered his pride, humiliating him in front of all who knew him, and for that I deserved an especially brutal and torturous execution. Thomas was homicidal when I fled so I knew in advance that escaping would invoke an all-out, obsessive attack in a fit of desperation, so I virtually disappeared without a trace.

After fleeing through three states, my children and I thought we had broken free, and were safe. The looking-over-our-shoulder was finally over, we were free to rebuild our lives, and create happy futures. Thomas Niles had been the problem, the dark shadow in all my children’s lives: he was the antithesis of what was right, the antithesis of all I stood for. Once Thomas Niles was out of our lives, I believed the trauma and tragedy would be over, but I was wrong. A family is a small government, a society, a system, a school, in which children are the students. In each day of every child’s life they are learning, silently watching, mimicking emotional behavior set by example, being conditioned. No child leaves a violent home without absorbing those horrific lessons and adopting vile and broken attitudes that form their foundational system for every decision they make, for as long as they live. The toxic and corrosive environment in which we lived, created an impact that would reverberate like a gong, for years to come. There would be many days in which I wondered who of us could survive.

The Journey is Nostalgic, reminiscent of happy childhoods and family memories; and it is dramatic, as it recounts the perilous navigation of a family that is often in crisis. The systematic progression of toxic dysfunction becomes a central theme of the story, as every family member alternates between times of stability and success, and tragedy.

The author is narrating in first person, as the author is an integral and vital part of the story. Societal Stigma is a factor in families keeping dysfunction secret, as something shameful, that should be hidden and denied. In The Journey, the Truth about Family Dysfunction, and its invasive and devastating impact upon each family member is revealed. The dynamic influences of siblings upon the family dynamic, in both positive and negative ways, is outlined through the actual life story of the Niles Family.

One of the strongest protectors of family abuse, and dysfunction, is the Secrecy and Denial that acts to insulate it from the truth. It is common for members of a family to come forward with revelations of abuse or mistreatment, only to be discounted, and invalidated by the family doused in narcissistic denial. It is also common for societies to blame ‘The Mother’ for all that goes wrong in a family; or even for the choices made by adult children, and to leave ‘The Father,’ blameless. The responsibility of mothers is far greater than that of fathers, according to the unspoken ‘code’ of Societies steeped in patriarchy. Children grow up in a world in which it really does ‘take a village,’ but there is no village standing by, waiting to help for the long haul, only the zealous members of society anxious to assign blame, then walk away in self-righteous vindication. The abuse of children requires blame to be placed on the right person, and responsibility taken by perpetrators who are held accountable. The balance of justice requires this, but it is lacking in families, and it is lacking in societies. Wounded Souls continue to spread toxic distress upon others because of apathy, the voice of Justice is rendered silent. In this unbalanced system, perpetrators are often, never held accountable, and the victims are left without resolution. The best justice is The Truth, honestly Told, and Honestly Felt, as the True Anathema to Dysfunction; and this Truth starts in the same place that the Lie itself was born -behind the closed doors, and the secret rooms, of The Families of Origin.

The Journey is about Telling that Naked Truth. The Truths that Dysfunctional Families choose to shamefully hide.


Monday, April 1, 2024

When Love Fails

Love Never Fails,” is a relative statement, but it is not an absolute truth, because love fails some people. No matter how much you do for them or how long you endure their injurious behavior, forgiving and compromising, relentlessly absorbing their lack of love, in the hope they will change. One sunny day, that person you loved, whether they are a family member or a life partner, you envision the great awakening.

With a tired and broken heart, you long for the day they will realize the vastness of your love for them. You hold out eternal hope that One Day they will miraculously awaken to the realization that you have moved heaven and earth for them, you have suffered deprivation, endured long hard hours of toil and you have spent many sad and lonely nights crying for them. Your martyrdom with not be left unrewarded because they will wake up, and when they do, their hearts will melt with deep appreciation, and you will bask in their reciprocation of your love. They will ‘see’ you, and finally appreciate you. That is the hope of millions of people dealing with narcissistic interlopers who only pretend to have the potential for love.

A Narcissist will deliberately entertain your hopes, baiting you along with the breadcrumbs of affection, storms of love bombing, and future promises; thus, extending the ordeal of wistful hopefulness for years, even decades. All the while you pour out your affection and give your genuine love to a disingenuous Taker. A Love Thief who takes your heart and leaves you suffer the loneliness of despair.

Normal people love ‘normally,’ and the average normal person reciprocates love with gratitude and appreciation in their hearts. Love begets love between all parties involved from the children, parents, friends, neighbors, and whomever else enjoys basking in the rewards of goodness and kindness. There is always at least one narcissists living on the fringes of normalcy, the Taker and the Heart-Breaker, the eternal victim, whose life and circumstances were always sabotaged by circumstances, at least, according to them. The excuse maker, entitled, manipulative, covert, needy and seeking.

Every Normal family has at least one. Although Care is taken to ‘Raise children right’, through careful and deliberate parenting and guidance; despite the fact, the narcissist sneaks into families, faking and taking, under the radar. You may sense their defect, feeling they need more love and understanding, but no matter what you do for them, or how much they take from you, you will never get it back in the form of love, out of the bottomless chasm that they call a heart. Love does not live within them, they will never cherish you, and see your value as a person, they only see your value to them as supply. Once the supply dries up, they will discard you like spent garbage, and never mourn your loss. The worst of them will dispatch you post haste by actively forcing your early demise by despicable means, to serve a secret greedy agenda; an early payout of life insurance money, or worse, they eliminate you for their own pleasure.

Love Cannot Save Them because they do not want to be saved; therefore, your love will fail them, every single time.