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Showing posts with label Iranian Woman Murdered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iranian Woman Murdered. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Toxic Patriarchy Murdered Mahsa Amini

 Do Women Matter as Much as Men? Women only had the Vote in America in the 1920's, and gained only a few rights, until the 1970's, even in America the Home of the Free. So, how much worse is it for women in countries such as Iran in 2022?

Sara Niles Author Memoirist

A beautiful young Iranian woman was on a trip to visit family when the Morality Police arrested her and beat her to death for the 'crime' of not properly 'covering her head' via the hijab. The Iranian customs are built upon a patriarchal system in which women were expected to wear hijabs and other customary dress that usually covered women's bodies and heads. The women are subject to male dominated control in all aspects of life, but in 2005, the breadth of control extended to the incorporation of the 'Guidance Patrol' which is comprised of a van load of male police officers and a female fully dressed in traditional garb whose job is to arrest women if too much of her head and hair were visible to the public. The Morality Police were anything BUT moral, to have the audacity to punish women for exercising freedom of style, not modesty, merely style. The laws that justified such an atrocious and violent act was based upon Toxic Power and Control that boils down to abusive behavior by a Culture and its Government established by Males: The Toxic Patriarchy. The Control of Women had reached a new low.

Toxic Control in any arena begins in increments, first it is a suggestion, eventually it becomes law, and once there is a law there is legal justification for punishment for the 'crime' of walking free in the streets with your hair blowing in the wind; a pleasure few Iranian women could enjoy. The Sharia Laws and related religiously based idioms were behind the idea that men should dominate women. Originally, patriarchs were male Protectors of the Family, eventually the power tainted the perception of male power and it became Toxic Control, which reduced women to the status of being victimized by Toxic Patriarchy. The idea of the 'Good Father' was now a Tyranny that targeted women.

In 2022, on September 16, the toxic patriarchal power exerted by the Moral Police created what was called the Iranian 'George Floyd event' when they murdered Mahsa Amini, creating a revolutionary protest in which both men and women cut their hair, and the women publicly burned their hijabs. The act of riot and discord was a loud scream against the morality laws and practices that ended in the deaths of women, girls and men, who dared to challenge the 'morality' laws of a Toxic Patriarchy, which had transformed from protectors to tormentors. Women and girls are being treated as less than animals by their own government as they sent out the tanks and big guns, hordes of police, to reign in the peaceful protesters. Millions took to social media and the internet to publicize what was happening to them, so the government threatened to shut down their internet, so their only portal to the outside world would be closed.

Women and Men are pleading "PLEASE Help Us-they are killing us, shooting us down in the street.. and they are going to shut our internet off", some begging for the United Nations to  intervene in their behalf. The killing of Mahsa Amini had created an Iranian Crisis, as revolution grows. The discontent of the masses is growing, because tyrannized people will not stop until they are free.

Women of the World are Humans in every nation, but many nations employ religiously backed customs that are detrimental and demoralizing to women who are treated as though they are dependent children instead of adults with human rights. In 1995, Hilary Rodham Clinton addressed the United Nation's Conference on Women's Rights in Beijing, China, when she stated what has now become internationally famous:

"Women's Rights are Human Rights", a phrase coined first by Women's Advocates a decade earlier and made famous by Clinton. It is a truth that has been erased by the treatment of women as less than human. Women ARE human beings with as much right to fair treatment as any man.

WE are ALL of One Kind-Humankind, or as Daniel De Foe's Moll Flanders said:

"We are all of one being-humankind", WE matter, no matter what gender we are, we are all human.