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Showing posts with label Women's Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Rights. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Toxic Patriarchy Murdered Mahsa Amini

 Do Women Matter as Much as Men? Women only had the Vote in America in the 1920's, and gained only a few rights, until the 1970's, even in America the Home of the Free. So, how much worse is it for women in countries such as Iran in 2022?

Sara Niles Author Memoirist

A beautiful young Iranian woman was on a trip to visit family when the Morality Police arrested her and beat her to death for the 'crime' of not properly 'covering her head' via the hijab. The Iranian customs are built upon a patriarchal system in which women were expected to wear hijabs and other customary dress that usually covered women's bodies and heads. The women are subject to male dominated control in all aspects of life, but in 2005, the breadth of control extended to the incorporation of the 'Guidance Patrol' which is comprised of a van load of male police officers and a female fully dressed in traditional garb whose job is to arrest women if too much of her head and hair were visible to the public. The Morality Police were anything BUT moral, to have the audacity to punish women for exercising freedom of style, not modesty, merely style. The laws that justified such an atrocious and violent act was based upon Toxic Power and Control that boils down to abusive behavior by a Culture and its Government established by Males: The Toxic Patriarchy. The Control of Women had reached a new low.

Toxic Control in any arena begins in increments, first it is a suggestion, eventually it becomes law, and once there is a law there is legal justification for punishment for the 'crime' of walking free in the streets with your hair blowing in the wind; a pleasure few Iranian women could enjoy. The Sharia Laws and related religiously based idioms were behind the idea that men should dominate women. Originally, patriarchs were male Protectors of the Family, eventually the power tainted the perception of male power and it became Toxic Control, which reduced women to the status of being victimized by Toxic Patriarchy. The idea of the 'Good Father' was now a Tyranny that targeted women.

In 2022, on September 16, the toxic patriarchal power exerted by the Moral Police created what was called the Iranian 'George Floyd event' when they murdered Mahsa Amini, creating a revolutionary protest in which both men and women cut their hair, and the women publicly burned their hijabs. The act of riot and discord was a loud scream against the morality laws and practices that ended in the deaths of women, girls and men, who dared to challenge the 'morality' laws of a Toxic Patriarchy, which had transformed from protectors to tormentors. Women and girls are being treated as less than animals by their own government as they sent out the tanks and big guns, hordes of police, to reign in the peaceful protesters. Millions took to social media and the internet to publicize what was happening to them, so the government threatened to shut down their internet, so their only portal to the outside world would be closed.

Women and Men are pleading "PLEASE Help Us-they are killing us, shooting us down in the street.. and they are going to shut our internet off", some begging for the United Nations to  intervene in their behalf. The killing of Mahsa Amini had created an Iranian Crisis, as revolution grows. The discontent of the masses is growing, because tyrannized people will not stop until they are free.

Women of the World are Humans in every nation, but many nations employ religiously backed customs that are detrimental and demoralizing to women who are treated as though they are dependent children instead of adults with human rights. In 1995, Hilary Rodham Clinton addressed the United Nation's Conference on Women's Rights in Beijing, China, when she stated what has now become internationally famous:

"Women's Rights are Human Rights", a phrase coined first by Women's Advocates a decade earlier and made famous by Clinton. It is a truth that has been erased by the treatment of women as less than human. Women ARE human beings with as much right to fair treatment as any man.

WE are ALL of One Kind-Humankind, or as Daniel De Foe's Moll Flanders said:

"We are all of one being-humankind", WE matter, no matter what gender we are, we are all human.

Friday, June 24, 2022

TOXIC PATRIARCHY and Roe V Wade 2022


Toxic Patriarchy

Cultures begin with families as individuals join forces with nuclear families that expand into the larger communities. Bronfenbrenner proposed that we are all affected by the small influences as well as the great, the microcosms of family to the large aggregate ‘community’ we call government. In America, The original Melting Pot of a conglomeration of cultures from around the world, Patriarchal control was part of the settler’s original structure. The Good Father, the Leader of a Family was the Head of the family-the father. The word Patriarch means ‘Father,’ so it makes sense that the family systems inculcated into the first ‘tribes’ established in The New World were patriarchal in nature, from England to the European influences, and all the smaller influxes in between, revered The Father as the Leader, both literally and symbolically.

Patriarchy was welcomed in an untamed new world in which bears had to be fought, and the wild land tamed. Family structures were tight like that of a wolf pack, with everyone staying close together for safety’s sake. Marriages usually lasted for a lifetime and children remained on ‘the farm’ because there was not much else to do-but farm and hunt on the abundant land. Women welcomed the patriarchal presence as a safeguard, and the idea of Women’s Rights was a far fetched as going to the moon at that time. Science was an infant, there were no modern conveniences and life was all about staying home and working the land, because the land supplied everything needed at that time. Patriarchy was not challenged, and women and children had few ‘rights. Women had twelve or more children to work the farm; and neighbors helped each other. It was a different world then.

Fast Forward two hundred plus years and going to the moon had been accomplished, farm life was for professional farmers who were capable of harvesting thousands of acres with a single machine. Women did not stay home, in fact, no one was at home. The children were in school, men and women at work, and grandparents were sometimes a thousand miles away. Farm Life as it once was no longer existed. The metropolitan cities contained the masses and women had become a huge part of the workforce; but that did not happen overnight or come easily.

The patriarchal system was pleasing to males, because they had all the rights and all the power, especially White Males with Privilege. The Patriarchs Ruled like Kings, setting the laws and the limits imposed on everyone else who was not Them: White Privileged Males. The rights of the many was sacrificed through legislation which was controlled by the Privileged Few. The Few controlled the Rights of the Many, which meant the multitude of Americans had few rights; sometimes NO rights, as in the case of Slaves and Natives, The system that was pleasing to the Privileged Few wreaked a savage toll on the many and they did what the oppressed multitude always does-rebelled.

From the original Boston Tea Party to the Equal Rights Movements and the Civil Rights Movement, they rebelled. The rebellion erupted in violence in every case because the Kings of the Mountain did not want to concede one tiny iota of power, so it had to be taken by force; by protests, and even riots which is what people do when they are repeatedly unheard. From the 1900’s to the 2000’s The People fought for Black Rights, Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, ‘Gay’ Rights, and Religious Rights, all held tightly under the control of the established ‘Patriarchy’ otherwise known as governmental Legislators. The Law was the Gate that either allowed or prevented Freedoms for the many, and The Law was controlled by the ‘Patriarchs’ whose appetite for Power had grown as strong as their greed for money.

Regardless of the resistance by Toxic Patriarchy, the Masses won out: in 1920 Women were finally given the right to vote, but not before men beat their own White Women bloody on the public streets for even ‘asking’ for the vote. Black people were not allowed any real freedoms even after they were legally incorporated into Law, during the same period as the Suffragette Movement. Right were being held in lockdown by the ruling few.

 IN the early 1900’s all Black people, both males and females did not even have the right to exist as equals with White People, much less vote without being assaulted, ran out of town or hung, ‘unofficially’ by lawyers and judges hiding behind white sheets. It was as late as 1964 when Fannie Lou Hamer gave her earth-shaking speech about rights and freedom that sill echoes today; but only thirty-five years earlier Black people were being lynched all over the country for demanding Rights. It was the same time White women were defying Patriarchal Rule by demanding the Vote. The spirit of rebellion was strong with Black people who also rose up and began to fight back. The history books had hidden much of the racial and social drama from that era, but the Truth Always rises to the top.

The 1960’s was one of the bloodiest times since the Civil War, and the entire decade was about fighting for freedom for tyranny and suppression by, guess WHO-White Males in Power, Toxic Patriarchy. Eventually the voters decided to vote in leaders whose eyes were less on their pocketbook and more on the scales of justice; but the pendulum swung backwards when the Republican Tea Party Movement took over in favor of two extreme views: Pro Toxic Patriarchy and Pro Right-Wing Extremism; then along came a spider Called Trump and the Rest went downhill from there. Trump, who was the epitome of White Male Privilege and Toxic Patriarchy, emboldened the extremists, polarizing the Toxic Atmosphere in the United States as ‘Us’ against ‘Them,’ which was the perfect smoke screen for the intensive damage he wreaked.

The Supreme Court of the United States hold the power to unravel unjust laws in favor of justice, or to do the opposite. Trump appointed radical judges whose focus was skewed, and now we have a Landmark Law that was ‘established Law’ that each judge vowed not to touch-but they lied.

Roe V Wade was established in 1973 ending the long history of coat hanger deaths and throwaway children, giving women the right to control what happens inside their own bodies. It was a major win for Women’s Rights and a huge know against Toxic Patriarchy.

Toxic Patriarchy came back with a vengeance: Roe V Wade was struck town by the SCOTUS, overturned TODAY June 24, 2022. Toxic Fail.