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Showing posts with label terrorists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorists. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ISIS, International and Evil to the Core by Sara Niles

There is a serial killing psychopath on the loose killing thousands, and the killer is not a single person, but a collective group that is heavily funded and well organized: ISIS

AP photo credit

ISIS, the Islamic terrorist group is a dangerous presence in the world that bobs its head like a poisonous snake, and it is growing fast. Known for its barbarism and utter cruelty, ISIS shocks and angers the world by beheading people and burning them alive, spreading the images rapidly via the social media. The message itself is more propaganda than it is concrete, more irrational than reasonable, and it is because of this ISIS is able to draw those lost souls without a sense of direction who crave power and a place to belong in the world.Social Media is the recruiting station for ISIS as they fill minds of vulnerable people with hatred. ISIS is a powerful threat to world peace because it is growing in size and power, with an estimated force in Syria and Iraq of over  30,000 militant fighters
ISIS has a presence all over the world as this map shows (click on link).

What is its message and what does ISIS want, actually? In a nutshell, ISIS wants power, as much as it can get :What Does ISIS Want: The Atlantic In order to achieve great power, there has to be either a just cause behind it, or the illusion of a good cause, in this case ISIS speaks as though it is doing a religious service for the greater good. This is a method used often by cult leaders and propagandists: God told me to do it, or I am doing is for our God. ISIS wants to take over the world, and it is obvious by watching their behavior that nothing good will come of ISIS actions, at least that is true of reasonable people. The problem is religion is not always logical and reasonable, in this case ISIS uses the 'Judgment Day' as their excuse to create a man-made apocalypse: Bin Laden corporatized terror and franchised it out, so ISIS uses this model to go a step further, even further than the notorious Bin Laden. Evil is growing in the name of religion to the dismay of innocent and peaceful Muslims who want no part of it all.

The message of ISIS is so full of hate and so devoid of any constructive direction, that even al-Quida’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri  publicly disavowed any connection with this terrorist group, and ISIS responded  "Isis now presents itself as an ideologically superior alternative to al-Qaida within the jihadi community: Charles Lister in The Guardian. The ISIS threat is bold and arrogant in its claims and its actions are far worse.

 ISIS knows no bounds in its savagery and cruelty, as they murder women and children, old people, and innocent journalists. The rogue organization is recruiting militants from around the world by presenting an aura of power and strength to lure in those who crave power and what they perceive as recognition in the world. ISIS is like a bad kid gone wild, desperately wreaking destruction in order to get its way with no concern for the lives of others. The force of ISIS possesses a demonized  power that is dark and intangible, with an ideology so full of hatred and violence that it is evil to its core.

Like a dangerous pit viper in a closed room, ISIS must be stopped before their venom is spread further.

Sara Niles

Monday, November 17, 2014

ISIS, the New NAZI Threat?

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
NAZI: the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (English translation)

ISIS –the term evokes horrifying images and brings to mind ideology that brandishes hate like a sword, much like the acrimonious acronym, ISIS. Could it be ISIS is the new 'NAZI' threat?

I remember when another four letter acronym that originally was veiled under the disguise of hope, became instead, a symbol of pure hate:  NAZI the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, formed originally to foster pride and hope for the German common people, yet became a hate mongering tool of power crazed Adolph Hitler during the 1930’s and 1940’s before the Allies toppled his regime. The Hitler led NAZI regime murdered millions of innocent men, women, and children in the most brutal and cruel fashion, much like the ISIS regime of today is doing in the ‘name of Islam’. ISIS has adopted the habit of brutally beheading innocent people and using the imagery on Youtube to both horrify most people, while mysteriously attracting others as their followers. The attraction of ISIS for the few who abandon home and family is much like the strange power of cultist religious group over its members, as they gradually become mindless and unquestioning, like brainwashed robots. Religions seldom hold violent belief systems that result in terror for the rest of the world, regardless of their tactics. ISIS followers are like religious converts willing to do anything in the name of its dark power, like beheading innocent people.
The beheading of American citizens that were simply trying to live life and do good for others, like the humanitarian, Peter Kassig, the third American to come to such a horrible fate, leaves the motives of ISIS crystal clear: they are hate mongers and terrorists. Why would anyone in their right mind want to join them after witnessing such atrocities? The only obvious answer is they are not in their right mind at all, but are lost. If being lost can cause one to be susceptible to the ISIS regime, then being lost is a dangerous place to be. Those so desperate to find a place in the world that any place at all will suffice, may find they have been seriously disillusioned. There can be no good outcome for ISIS just as there was not good ending for the NAZI party.

The NAZI party evolved into an evil killing machine that attracted power mongers, hate mongers and disenfranchised souls, seeking an identity at any cost, as members to the ‘new’ gang. The present day ISIS movement seems to have the same twisted power, the power to attract the confused, promising them a mission in life and an ‘identity’ as an ISIS member, as they hold destructive power over lives. 

There is only one valid outcome: ISIS must be stopped for the good of mankind.

ABC News ISIS leaves fate uncertain